Sunday, 30 September 2012

The Sunday Post :: our week

HELLO! Hope you've all had a lovely week, I honestly don't know where the last seven days have gone, and all of a sudden we are a day away from October - eek! We had a delivery of festive chicken mugs earlier in the week, which have all been snapped up! We are now awaiting another delivery... so if you would like to sip your tea or hot chocolate out of one of these this winter, we will have more in stock soon!

Although still early (I know, we haven't even had Halloween yet) we've been quite focused on Christmas this week. People have been getting their orders in early, so we've had plenty to keep us busy in amongst trade orders, also for lots of Christmas goodies! And inbetween the wind, rain and clouds, we've had spells of beautiful Autumn sunshine, like this..... x

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