Thursday, 19 May 2011

Apple Jackets

Possibly one of the sweetest things I have ever seen, and certainly something I never thought I would be writing a blog post about, but here we are... Apple Jackets! Brought to light by the ladies at Mollie Makes magazine and featured on the front cover of their premier issue, Apple Jackets are taking off! 

Technically apple cosies... these are right up my street. So prepare to drool over these cute and pretty coloured jackets... x


  1. I love them! I have an apple cosy and everyone thinks I'm mad but as well as being so bloody adorable you can't put it in to words, it actually protects my apple when it's in my big, clutter-filled uni bag :] Genius! x

  2. This is a new one on me! Too sweet for words! x

  3. They are just too cute for words hey. Been sooooo impressed with Mollie Makes, definitely gona be subscribing. Canna wait to make my first apple cosy! Weeeeeeeee. Loves Ionwen X

  4. ...and you couldn't just make one - you need a whole bowlful - beautiful!

  5. How to make fruit cute! Brilliant! :)
